Political Action Center

“Hard-working immigrants contribute to our economy and do the jobs that benefit all of us, including growing and serving the food that we eat, building our homes and taking care of our loved ones. When aspiring citizens who come here from other nations do not have fairness and rights, that drags down job standards for all Americans. President Obama’s Executive Action on immigration would keep families together, boost our economy, and conserve law enforcement resources. We applaud Mayor de Blasio’s support for the President’s Executive Action, which shows the kind of principled leadership which is too rare in our country today. There is a poisonous brand of anti-immigrant rhetoric being spread by many right-wing Republican politicians. These cynical appeals to our basest fears do not represent who we are as a nation, our values or our history. Now more than ever, we call for immediate implementation of President Obama’s Executive Action, and comprehensive immigration reform with a clear path to citizenship.”

-Maria Castaneda, Secretary-Treasurer of 1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East, the largest healthcare union in New York and the nation.

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