Political Action Center


July 31, 2012, 2:00 p.m. EST

Contact: Jeff Hall, 617-281-8384, jeff.hall@1199.org

1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East

Statement from 1199SEIU Executive Vice President Veronica Turner Regarding Healthcare Cost and Delivery Reform Legislation

BOSTON, MA – “The healthcare workers of 1199SEIU applaud the agreement reached by the House and Senate on the health spending and delivery reform legislation. It is an historic next step in Massachusetts healthcare reform efforts. By specifically prioritizing Medicaid rate increases and workforce training in the bill, the legislature is helping to ensure the long term success of these important reforms for the benefit of patients, consumers, and caregivers alike.

The frontline caregivers of 1199SEIU applaud the House and Senate for forging an agreement that gives healthcare workers a voice in the process moving forward and that also takes steps to protect vulnerable community and safety net hospitals. To help preserve jobs in our state’s highest employment industry, and to help the healthcare workforce transition to new delivery systems, the legislature has incorporated a workforce training fund into the bill that 1199SEIU members see as a vital component to the success of these reform efforts.

1199SEIU healthcare workers have been a major presence at the State House during this process and now we are proud to see that the legislature has heeded the input, concerns and voices of frontline caregivers in crafting this final agreement.”

- Veronica Turner, 1199SEIU Executive Vice President

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Representing more than 47,000 healthcare workers throughout Massachusetts, and 370,000 workers in Massachusetts, New York, Maryland, New Jersey, Florida, and Washington, D.C., 1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East is the largest and fastest-growing healthcare union in America. Our mission is to achieve affordable, high quality healthcare for all. 1199SEIU is part of the 2.1 million member Service Employees International Union.

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