Political Action Center

The following statement can be attributed to George Gresham, Chair of the Mario Cuomo Campaign for Economic Justice and President of 1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East in regards to Speaker Carl Heastie's statement at the start of the State Assembly legislative session.

"The Mario Cuomo Campaign for Economic Justice is thrilled and proud to have Speaker Heastie’s support behind this important cause. The Speaker knows, as we do, that a $15 minimum wage will help to raise 3.2 million working people out of poverty and will boost the state's economy. As one of the most expensive states in the country, New York has a responsibility to ensure that hardworking people, like homecare, childcare and security workers, can earn a living wage. Governor Cuomo took the historic first step toward making New York the first state in the nation with a $15 minimum wage for all, and we look forward to working with the Legislature to pass the Governor's proposal this year.”

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