Political Action Center

“Our heartfelt condolences go out to the family of Eric Garner – a son, husband, father of six, grandfather of two, and another unarmed African-American man killed at the hands of the police. When will the killing stop? When will all human lives have the same value and worth in the eyes of law enforcement? When will our civil liberties be respected and abusive, rogue police held accountable for their actions? The healthcare workers of 1199SEIU have dedicated our lives to caring for New Yorkers, and that mission extends into all our communities to make sure our families and neighbors can live with safety, dignity and respect. The actions of a few Emergency Medical Service workers should not be used to attack our members as a whole. The vast majority of our Emergency Medical Service members are highly skilled, competent and dedicated professionals, who save lives every day and have been on the frontlines during 9/11, Hurricane Sandy and other crises. Together, we will organize with Eric Garner’s family and our community allies to make sure that his death is not in vain, that we put an end to abusive police tactics, and that justice is done.”

-George Gresham, President of 1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East, the largest union in New York and the largest healthcare union in the nation.

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