Political Action Center

“SEIU and our Florida members, many of whom are Registered Nurses and healthcare workers on the front lines, are jubilant about today’s Supreme Court decision because we understand firsthand the human and financial toll for four million uninsured Floridians. In contrast, we have witnessed the positive impact that the Affordable Care Act has already had on the health of our state.

“As SEIU members, we are extremely proud not only to have waged an enormous grassroots campaign to help pass Obamacare but also to have filed an amicus brief with the Supreme Court in this historic case.

"SEIU's Florida members are breathing a sigh of relief that our kids and those of our neighbors will be able to remain on their parents’ insurance until they are 26, that uninsured women will have access to mammograms and pap smears at no cost, that kids will have access to immunizations and wellness checkups and that insurance companies will not be able to deny coverage to children or adults with pre-existing conditions like cancer or diabetes.

“Now it is time for our state leaders, our congressional delegation, healthcare employers, community health centers, consumer advocates, unions and chambers of commerce to join forces to ensure that the State of Florida fully implements all of the benefits allowable under the Affordable Care Act, which continues to be the law of the land. One of our first steps must be to ensure that the communities most impacted by Obamacare are educated and aware of the benefits they are already entitled to and those that will be accessible over the course of the next two years.

“And Gov. Rick Scott and Attorney General Pam Bondi should take note that the so-called ‘burden’ of Medicaid expansion is a contradiction in terms. It would actually cost Florida more to reject expansion.

“SEIU members have our scrubs on and are ready, set, go to ensure full implementation of the Affordable Care Act. Besides, when the ACA is fully enacted and millions more Floridians have access to care, Gov. Scott will be able to brag about the creation of thousands of healthcare jobs in Florida!"

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