Political Action Center

It’s official: hardworking Americans are getting poorer. According to the latest census data, a record number of Americans are now poor, as reported in this December 14th NPR article: "Census: 1 In 2 Americans Is Poor Or Low-Income." But guess who wasn’t among these struggling folks? America’s CEOs, that’s who. They are wondering what economic slump everyone keeps talking about since most saw their pay skyrocket by 27-40%, the Huffington Post reported in this December 14th article "U.S. CEO Pay Jumps Minimum of 27% Last Year, Survey Finds." That’s right. While companies claimed they had no choice but to fire workers and slash paychecks, they should have been saying that they needed the money to help rich CEOs get even richer. When was the last time you got a 27% raise?

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