Time to Put On Your Marching Shoes: Tens of Thousands to Gather on 50th Anniversary of Historic March on Washington

August 2, 2013

Mark down Saturday, August 24th on your calendars. On that day, thousands of 1199SEIU members and family will be joining tens of thousands of other workers, religious congregations and civil rights supporters in Washington, DC. to mark the 50th anniversary of the historic 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, at which Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered his famous “I Have a Dream” speech.

There is much work to be done to fulfill Dr. King’s dream. Marchers on August 24 will come to Washington with a range of concerns: The recent US Supreme Court decision gutting the Voting Rights Act—the legislative centerpiece of the civil rights movement—the acquittal of Trayvon Martin’s killer, the ongoing stop-and-frisk policies of the NYPD and other local police racial profiling, the absence of comprehensive immigration reform, the rapid growth of income inequality.

1199SEIU buses are now being filled, but seating is limited so sign up quickly. Ask your Delegate or Organizer about getting your seat; or email MarchonWashington@1199.org