Media Center

(Corning, NY) - Nurses and other staff of Guthrie Corning Hospital plan to picket the

facility on June 6 if no agreement is reached on a new labor contract by that date. Employees

notified management today that they intend to engage in informational picketing. Notice was

also served on Federal and State officials in accordance with labor laws governing job actions by

health care workers.

Negotiations for a new labor contract covering approximately 450 Guthrie Corning

Hospital employees began in late February. There have been sixteen day long collective

bargaining sessions since that date. The negotiations have been conducted under the supervision

of a Federal Mediator since April. Talks broke off last Friday, May 17. No further meetings are

scheduled at this time.

The principal issues in dispute include hospital proposals to shift a significant share of

the cost of health insurance onto employees, particularly those with family coverage; a pay

scheme linked to hospital performance scores; and reductions in an advanced nursing program.

Employees covered by the union contract work as registered nurses, licensed practical

nurses, medical technicians, clerical, service, and maintenance employees. The employees are

represented by a sixteen member employee committee and assisted by union staff. They are

members of 1199 SEIU United Healthcare Workers East. Management is represented by a six

person committee and assisted by an outside consultant. Corning Hospital’s principal location is

176 Denison Parkway East in Corning where it is licensed for 99 acute care beds, as well as

emergency, surgical, laboratory, and outpatient services. It is part of the Guthrie Health System.

1199 SEIU members work at many Upstate New York health care facilities including

Founders Pavilion and Absolut of Three Rivers in the Corning area, and Strong Memorial Hospital of the University of Rochester Medical Center and Auburn Memorial Hospital.

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