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Florida - Monica Russo, president of SEIU Florida State Council (SEIU Florida) and Executive Vice President of 1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East, issued the following statement:

“On behalf of SEIU Florida’s 55,000 members and retirees, we say thanks to Florida House Democrats, their leadership and the Senate for standing up for more than one million hard-working Floridians who desperately need and deserve healthcare coverage, as well as the Senator Joe Negron (R) and Representative Mike Fasano (R), who worked diligently to find a way to embrace good policy without compromising their conservative principles.

However, the actions or lack thereof by House Republicans and Speaker Will Weatherford are nothing short of displaying a truly broken process wrapped in fiscal and moral irresponsibility, where hard-working taxpayers are being told they don’t matter. Their decision to put politics over the health of working families and the economy carries disastrous consequences for the well-being of our state and our communities.

We need Governor Rick Scott to do more than simply issue a statement through the press, we need him to exercise leadership and demand that the Legislature do what is right for Florida by accepting more than $51 billion in federal funds that would create a healthier more productive state, more than 120,000 new healthcare jobs and boost a sluggish economy”

SEIU Florida represents over 55,000 active and retired healthcare professionals, public employees, and property service workers in the state of Florida. SEIU members provide vital public services in Florida's hospitals, nursing homes, public schools, community colleges, municipal and county governments, malls, and universities. With over 2.1 million members, SEIU is the fastest-growing union in North America. For more information, please visit

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