Statement of Milly Silva, Executive Vice President, on Supreme Court DAPA/DACA decision

May 13, 2022
Rochester, NY – More than 50 union Healthcare Workers at Anthony Jordan Health Care Center in Rochester voted to ratify a 2-year agreement with their employer this week following months of negotiations. Caregivers are represented by 1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East.
May 9, 2022
More than 70 nursing home workers hit hard during COVID-19 and critical short staffing are fighting for fair wages and a union contract. The 1-year contract extension for Service & Maintenance workers expired October 31, 2021 and the Licensed Practical Nurse contract expired December 31, 2021. Nursing home workers at Elderwood at Williamsville are represented by 1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East and have been bargaining with management for a new labor contract since early October of last year.
May 9, 2022
ALBANY, NY (May 9, 2022) -- 1199SEIU healthcare workers – joined by State Senator Tim Kennedy, and Assemblyman Erik Dilan and a host of other lawmakers – today called for passage of the Reinvest in NY Healthcare Act to keep healthcare dollars in New York, instead of lining the pockets of insurance companies.
May 9, 2022
Clara is a native of Alabama and started her education at Tuskegee Institute. She later completed her education at Emery Riddle University in Germany. Her career in the labor movement began as an organizer/educator with experience in all three sectors of labor (private, federal, and public).
May 5, 2022
“A Supreme Court rollback of Roe vs. Wade would be a tragic loss of reproductive freedoms and healthcare for tens of millions of women in the United States, especially in states such as Florida that have passed extreme and intrusive laws curtailing women’s freedom and right to self-determination.
May 2, 2022
La Sesión Legislativa del 2022 fue un reto significativo por que el gobernador y el liderazgo republicano continúan otorgando favores a las grandes compañías e intereses especiales al recortar la dotación de personal a los hogares para ancianos, y al atacar el voto, libertad de expresión y los derechos de salud reproductiva. Deberían de enfocarse en las prioridades de los floridanos de la clase trabajadora, como en crear buenos empleos que retengan a los héroes del cuidado médico. En lugar de eso, ellos se enfocan en amenazas imaginarias basadas en racismo y genero en un intento por dividirnos.
May 2, 2022
The 2022 Florida Legislative Session was a significant challenge as the governor and Republican leadership continued to carve out favors for big business and special interests by cutting nursing home staffing, and attacking voting, free speech and reproductive healthcare rights. They should be focusing on priorities for working Floridians like creating good jobs that retain healthcare heroes. Instead, they focused on imaginary race based and gender-based threats in an attempt to divide us.
Apr 28, 2022
“The explosion of cryptocurrency mining projects in communities across New York threatens the air we breathe, the water we drink, our climate, our ecosystems and biodiversity. There is no public benefit to New Yorkers for using large amounts of our valuable energy resources to generate profit for a small number of wealthy private equity investors.
Apr 28, 2022
Corning, NY - More than 400 healthcare workers at Guthrie Corning Hospital are celebrating a victory this week! Unionized healthcare workers reached an agreement with management before their current contract was set to expire on April 30, 2022, following a one-year extension. Yesterday, workers overwhelmingly voted to ratify the 3-year agreement. Caregivers are represented by 1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East.
Apr 25, 2022
“The members of 1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East stand with lawmakers who protested the brazen manipulation of Florida’s Congressional District maps.

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