Statement of Milly Silva, Executive Vice President, on Supreme Court DAPA/DACA decision

Jul 19, 2021
1199SEIU members have commenced preparations for contract negotiations with the League of Voluntary Hospitals and Homes and Group and Greater Nursing Homes by sending a strong message that the same workers who were called heroes during evening rounds of applause and on splashy banners, need to be recognized the same way at the bargaining table.
Jul 19, 2021
As this magazine went to press, 1199ers were once again in the midst of making history: We were pushing to the finish line Maya Wiley’s bid to become New York City’s next mayor. With New York City’s June 22 Mayoral Primary fast approaching, 1199’s formidable political operation was in full swing—masked, vaccinated, and working hard to elect Wiley and a host of other endorsed candidates for offices that include New York City Council, Borough President, and District Attorney.
Jul 19, 2021
Ebony Morrison, the 16-year-old daughter of Contract Administrator Anita Harewood, created this illustration to support her mom and other 1199ers as they prepare for negotiations with the League of Voluntary Hospitals and Homes and the Group and Greater. Ebony is a junior at New York City’s High School of Art and Design.
Jul 19, 2021
Workers at Windsor Gardens Care Center in East Orange, NJ held a picket line on May 13 to protest the attempted sale of the facility by the current operator, Windsor Healthcare Communities, to Complete Care Management, a fast-growing private equity-owned nursing home chain.
Jul 19, 2021
Hundreds of 1199SEIU homecare workers joined Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer at New York’s City Hall in lower Manhattan on May 4 to thank Senator Schumer, President Biden and their colleagues supporting the American Jobs Act. President Biden’s proposal includes $400 million over the next 10 years to help and reform the growing homecare industry.
Jul 19, 2021
1199SEIU members’ Invest in Quality Care campaign scored another big win in May, when the NYS Assembly and Senate passed legislation that requires minimum staffing at all nursing homes. Both houses also passed a bill that addresses safe staffing levels in hospitals.
Jul 19, 2021
May was Asian-American/Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month. And I want to give a big shout-out of gratitude to our 1199SEIU AAPI Caucus for celebrating the diversity and richness of Asian culture and for raising the consciousness of the rest of us.
Jul 19, 2021
今天是個好日子!在漫長的一年半之後,我們歡迎Partners in Care的會員回到機構。眾所周知,家庭護理人員在疫情期間一直苦苦掙扎。案件數量減少了。家庭護理機構不得不對工人關閉大門。你們中的許多人不得不離開這個行業,通常是因為你們照顧那些受疫情影響或自己生病的家庭成員。
Jul 16, 2021
After a very long year and a half, our Partners in Care members are being welcomed back into the agency. As you all know, homecare workers have really struggled throughout COVID-19. Case numbers dwindled.
Jul 16, 2021
Después de un largo año y medio, nuestros miembros de Partners in Care están siendo bienvenidos nuevamente a la agencia. Como todos saben, los trabajadores de atención domiciliaria realmente han luchado durante toda la pandemia del COVID-19.

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