Media Center

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Contact: Jeff Hall, 617-281-8384,

Twitter: @1199mass

1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East

“Tonight, Elizabeth Warren showed that she is on the side of working families, while Scott Brown was clearly unable to defend his record of voting against jobs, against women, and against the economic interests of Massachusetts. As healthcare workers, we remember very clearly last year when Brown said he would rather cut Medicare and Social Security than do away with tax giveaways for big oil companies. Tonight, he was clearly flustered while trying to rationalize those same misguided giveaways to big oil. Recently, he also said he would raise taxes on 98% of Massachusetts families to protect the Bush tax breaks for the wealthiest 2%. Brown seemed caught off guard tonight when confronted with his own statements and voting record – a voting record which reflects a philosophy he shares with Mitt Romney of protecting big oil and big corporations with little regard for the consequences on working and middle class families. The healthcare workers of 1199SEIU support Elizabeth Warren for U.S. Senate because she will fight for jobs, fairness, and opportunity for Massachusetts families.” - Veronica Turner, Executive Vice President, 1199SEIU

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Representing more than 47,000 healthcare workers throughout Massachusetts, and 370,000 workers in Massachusetts, New York, Maryland, New Jersey, Florida, and Washington, D.C., 1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East is the largest and fastest-growing healthcare union in America. Our mission is to achieve affordable, high quality healthcare for all. 1199SEIU is part of the 2.1 million member Service Employees International Union.

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