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The administration has implemented a business model that is, according to the caregivers, all too often characterized by short staffing and a lack of critical supplies.”

When: TOMORROW, Thursday, June 11 at 3 p.m.- 4 p.m.

Where: West Ledge Rehabilitation & Nursing Center, 2000 Main St, Peekskill

What: Informational Picket: Interviews and Photo Opportunities Available 3:00 p.m. - 3:15 p.m.

Background: The 100 direct caregivers, members of 1199SEIU, United Healthcare Workers East, are fighting back against the actions of Care Rite Inc., a for-­‐profit nursing home chain from New Jersey that has recently been managing the facility. Many of the workers have been providing care for decades to the elderly, frail and vulnerable nursing home residents, who call West Ledge their home.

Care Rite attempted to purchase the home, but New York State, with input and urging from 1199SEIU, blocked that transaction for the time being, with concern over reported poor levels of resident care at other NYS nursing homes purchased by the company.

The administration has implemented a business model that is, according to the caregivers, all too often characterized by short staffing and a lack of critical supplies.

Sara Whittaker has been an LPN at West Ledge since 1979 and says she has seen many changes at the facility, including the transformation from a “mom and pop home-­‐like atmosphere to a business model.”

She said, “Now, we don’t get the resources we need to provide the care the residents need – and we feel awful about that. I’m talking about basics like decent food and linen. There are not enough aides, and as a nurse I can wind up doing 2 jobs at times. Many families are taking their loved ones out of the home and being forced to bring them to a facility outside of our community. For too many others, we are their only family, and what can we do? It’s just shameful.”

The newest administrator employed by Care Rite has violated the workers' contract and also, labor law by targeting senior employees for termination and discipline, most often without cause. Other violations include arbitrarily stopping payment to nurses who already earned their longevity pay.

Whittaker said, “We have one of the best LPN pay rates in the area and that means we have been able to keep LPNs here, which is what the residents need for continuity of care. This administration’s approach is a threat to all that is right about West Ledge.”

“There is a direct connection between the livelihood and morale of healthcare workers and quality care,” explained Vice President Gregory Speller. “How can healthcare workers assist their residents if they don’t have what they need to do the job or they are worried about their employer screaming at them?”


1199SEIU represents about 100 healthcare workers at West Ledge, including LPNs, CNAs, and dietary and housekeeping employees. 1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East is the largest and fastest-­‐growing healthcare union in America. We represent over 400,000 nurses and caregivers throughout Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Washington, D.C. and Florida. Our mission is to achieve quality care and good jobs for all.

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