When 1199 began organizing hospitals, it quickly became a majority-women union. Since then, few unions have done more to empower and improve working conditions for women. Healthcare contract gains include unique training programs aimed at supporting women, as well as the establishment of the 1199SEIU Child Care Fund — the only such fund in the U.S. labor movement — to help provide working families with affordable, quality child care and youth programs.
When the Coalition of Labor Union Women (CLUW) was founded in 1974, members of 1199 were among the first CLUW activists. Our work with women’s rights groups includes staunch support for Planned Parenthood and the rights of women over their own bodies and their healthcare choices..
The 1199SEIU Women’s Caucus holds an annual International Women’s Day celebration that draws union representatives from countless nations and that stands as a powerful and dramatic example of women’s achievements and international solidarity.