
At 1199SEIU Florida, we represent more than 25,000 healthcare employees —from nurses to clerical employees — working in the hospital and nursing home industry. We work in some of the largest for-profit and academic healthcare institutions in the state and are constantly working to achieve affordable, high quality healthcare for all. Our members have a rich history of striving to transform lives by empowering our communities to stand for justice, dignity, and respect for everyone.

Feb 20, 2019
Did you know Florida’s Medicaid program leaves behind about 700,000 Floridians every year? Through the Affordable Care Act, states have the…
Dec 26, 2018
Anxiety punctuated much of the last year, but 1199ers continued to shine, winning in the workplace, standing up to attacks on health care,…
Oct 29, 2018
Last year, when 1199SEIU and the University of Miami Hospital (UMH) began bargaining wages for the first year of the three-year collective…
Oct 24, 2018
Ray Flores is a 76-year-old retiree who previously worked at a New York hospital for many years before coming to Florida.
Oct 18, 2018
Join us to knock on doors and get out the vote for Andrew Gillum for Governor and other candidates who will help protect our freedom to come…
Oct 18, 2018
Join us to knock on doors and get out the vote for Andrew Gillum for Governor and other candidates who will help protect our freedom to come…
Oct 11, 2018
New York, NY – President George Gresham has released the following statement regarding the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the United…
Sep 6, 2018
Miami, FL — Registered nurses and healthcare workers from the state’s largest healthcare union, 1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East,…
Aug 22, 2018
Here’s what you need to know to vote in the 2018 general election.
Aug 20, 2018
Throughout the Union’s regions, 1199ers are answering the call to mobilize voters to beat back the political assault on working people.


Miramar Office
2881 Corporate Way
Miramar, FL

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The Nurse Betsy Show

Nurse Betsy Show opening graphic 7-26-21[88].jpg