At 1199SEIU Florida, we represent more than 25,000 healthcare employees —from nurses to clerical employees — working in the hospital and nursing home industry. We work in some of the largest for-profit and academic healthcare institutions in the state and are constantly working to achieve affordable, high quality healthcare for all. Our members have a rich history of striving to transform lives by empowering our communities to stand for justice, dignity, and respect for everyone.
Nov 3, 2022
There are many critical issues that could affect working families depending on the outcome of the midterm elections - from voting rights to…
Oct 13, 2022
Member Political Organizer (MPO) Kenzi Stewart recently experienced an up-close look at the very worst of Hurricane Ian that decimated…
Oct 11, 2022
The mainstream media has downplayed one of the biggest stories of the year. I’m referring to the tens of thousands of workers organizing…
Oct 11, 2022
If ever there were a time to stand up for our families and our communities, this is it. It is less than two years since we went all out to…
Oct 3, 2022
Member Political Organizer (MPO) Jacquelyn “Jackie” Wheeler says the best way to protect our right to vote is to…vote.
Sep 30, 2022
“It’s inspiring how our Florida healthcare workers have put themselves in harm’s way to care for others in Hurricane Ian, just as they have…